Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Do Christians need to know about the Antichrist?

Sometimes I'm asked, Why do you talk so much about the Antichrist? Maybe you should be more positive?

I believe that understanding the nature of the antichrist spirit is essential for all Christians living in this time.

Let's use this example: You have a sickness, like cancer. But the doctor only tells you how wonderful you're going to feel one day. He says “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.” Then you start chemo therapy. This makes you feel worse than ever. Shouldn’t the doctor explain this to you ahead of time?

Well, this world is sick, the disease is evil. The Lord tells us about it and warns about the treatment. Since Jesus ascended to Heaven spiritual evil has taken form as the spirit of antichrist. The Apostle John said it was in present in his time. I John 4:1-3, tells us how to know the spirit of antichrist. Every spirit that denies Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is an antichrist spirit.

But many Christians only think of the Antichrist as a character like "Nicoli" from “Left Behind.” Revelation 13 tells us, “and it was given to him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them.” It’s the only time the Bible speaks of the Saints being overcome. The spirit of antichrist overcame the Apostles themselves! Antichrist is the spirit of persecution against the Church.

There are brothers and sisters in the Lord all over the world being persecuted and killed because of this evil spirit. Revelation explains it as a spirit of deception coming from Satan, himself, designed to destroy Christians and Jews.

Satan is a deceiver, a liar, and so is the spirit of antichrist. It’s a manifestation of evil, created to attack the Believers in Jesus Christ. We must understand how it operates today. The Bible tells us not to be ignorant of Satan’s devices.

The Book of Revelation says that one day an Antichrist will rise up as a Great Leader and deceive the whole world. The Prophet Daniel warned about this spirit of deception in the “last days.” In Matt 24: 4, Jesus said when asked about his return, “Take heed that no man deceive you.”

Jesus will return in a day of great deception. We must know the Word of God. We must have discernment. The Bible says we have a powerful spirtual enemy, the spirit of antichrist. It leads the vulnerable to go into error. It draws men to stand against Jesus Christ and his followers.

While it is true that there are many "antichrist" religions. The religion of Islam is especially disturbing. The Book of Revelation describes the power of the Antichrist in the last days to have Christians and Jews beheaded. The religion of Islam denies that Jesus is the Christ, God come in the flesh (antichrist). The holy book of Islam, the Qur'an, is the only widely reguarded religious document that teaches to behead unbelievers (those who reject Islam).

Is anyone out there worried about the rising popularity of Islam in America. Is anyone else offended when Islam and Muslims(followers of Islam) are declared by our leaders and the media as peaceful. Do you think it is okay to call them brothers in faith?

Do not be deceived! Islam teaches that Jesus was only a prophet. He was not crucified. According to Islam and Muslims, Jesus Christ cannot forgive your sin. You must become Muslim or you are worthy of death (infidels).

The antichrist spirit grows stronger each day in America. And so many Americans are lost in sin. So many Christians are silent.

Jesus commands us to preach the Gospel. Jesus commands us to love our neighbors and even our enemies. We must love enough to tell the truth and lift up Jesus Christ for all men to see His Salvation.

Contact me at: endtimesinamerica@cableone.net

See my web site: www.endtimesinamerica.org

Learn about the truth about Islam and how to reach Muslims for Jesus Christ at : www.thestraightway.org

Keep praying, keep preaching!
Our King is coming!

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