Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Hillary Clinton Praises the Largest Muslim Country in the World as a Shining Example

This last week we saw the Obama Administration continue its official support of the concept that Islam is good for the world and America. Hillary Clinton’s visit to Indonesia so early in the days of the Obama administration was no accident, according to her words. President Obama lived there as a child and knows, according to his reports, how well the Christians and Muslims of Indonesia live together in peace. Hillary declares Indonesia as a "shining example" of how well democracy can work in a Muslim country. She states that the United States of America wants to reach out to world and to listen to them. She said that America wants to listen to the Muslim world.

If you believe this is the direction the USA should take in its foreign policy, perhaps you are receiving the kind of financial support for your foundation from Saudi Arabia, as the Bill Clinton foundation is receiving. But for the rest of us this is a frightening turn of direction for America. Indonesian Christians are severely persecuted by Muslims. In Indonesia, young teenage. Christian girls, were attacked and behead by Muslims. Christians are persecuted and killed there, Christian Churches are burned and the American public does not know this. It is not reported in our media and the government of America does little to help the Christians there. These are the facts. You can research this yourself online. Go to Michelle Malkins’ web site for more info on this: www.michellemalkin.com

Now see how Obama promotes his agenda to distort America’s impression of Islam. In a recent speech, notice they come almost daily now, he compares the New Testament (Christian), the Torah (of the Old Testament) Jewish, and a Hadith of Mohammed Prophet of Islam. He essential stated that they all teach the same thing which is the Golden Rule (Do onto others as you would have them do unto you.) Sorry, Obama, according to Usama Dakdok, the Hadith Obama quoted does not apply to any other than brothers in the Muslim faith. The phrase, "...wish for your brother what you wish for yourself..." applies only to another Muslim, according to the Muslim scholars.

But this is just the latest example of the distortions coming from our new President. His selection of Rick Warren to give the opening prayer at the Inauguration was a brilliant move of deception. Most Christians were completely unaware of the Muslim overtones of this prayer. Warren quoted a frequently used phrase from Islam "the compassionate and merciful," referring to God. Then outrageously Warren called Jesus Christ "Isa." This is the name Mohammed used for a prophet in the Qu’ran who Muslims claim is Jesus Christ, but who was not the Son of God and who did not die on the Cross for the sins of mankind. "Isa" was not crucified and he was not raised from the dead, according to the Qu’ran and so my dear Christian Brothers and Sisters, he is not Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.

The following day, we heard in our National Cathedral, Reverend Sharon E. Watkins, declare that "Muslim Scholars" are calling all of us to come together in a peaceful dialogue of the unity of our faiths. This will never be acceptable to true believers in Jesus Christ. This should never be acceptable to those who believe in the God of Israel. The God of Islam is not the same God. Please do not be deceived.

In the end times, Jesus Christ warned that many would come in His name, and deceive many. Please do not be deceived. You will not get the truth from the media, you will not get the truth from your president and his administration. Jesus also said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father, but by me." Jesus Christ was either telling the truth or he was a liar. There is no place for him to be the Truth and the Way and a liar. He cannot be a liar and be the Truth and the Way.

"Chose this day whom you will serve." We, the Christians of America. are the hope of the Christian believers and the Jewish brethren of the world. You must get informed. You must know the only true Word of God, the Bible. Pray for wisdom and the compassion you need to reach out to the lost with the truth. And pray for super natural power to love your enemies, even the Muslim, who will hate and persecute you when according to the Qu’ran, "they have the upper hand."
God bless you and keep you in His peace!

Again, I welcome you comments and input. New contact phone #228-343-6191. I am available to speak to your church or group and welcome your prayer always.

Also see Usama Dakdok's web site for imprtant info on Islam:

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