Sunday, March 15, 2009


Christians of Florida Had a Chance to Stand Against Radical Muslim Leader, Ahmed Bedier

But they didn’t seem to know who he is or what he represents, so Muslim Day in the Capitol of Florida gave “Voices of America” an open door to ask Florida Legislators to consider their concerns. The legislators don’t appear to know much either. Thank God for men, like Tom Trento, and others who are trying to rally Americans to stop this terrorist sympathizer and former leader in CAIR (Ahmed Bedier) from portraying himself as a harmless, “community organizer.”

Watch the video at the end of this article to learn what they had to say about the threat of Islam against the freedom of the United States of America. You will hear about a documentary on the Muslim terrorist camps already operating in the USA and how Daniel Pearl probably died because he was on the verge of exposing this problem. See Fox News Report by Sean Hannity:

Usama Dakdok ( was in attendance at this event in Florida. He met individually with Tom Trento, spoke with most of the speakers and met some of the Legislators. I asked for his comments. He said that he wondered, “Where are the Christians?” Why were there only a few dozen standing up for the sake of our freedoms and against this deception by Ahmed Bedier and his group? The answer is the Christians don’t know what Islam is; and so they don’t care. And the legislators in Florida, Usama observed, are so ignorant of Islam that they shook our hands, thinking we were supporting the Muslims, and made comments about their support for Voices of America.

Don’t be ignorant! Please watch and learn. These are intelligent men who are trying to help America. And it is time for the Church to get involved to tell the truth about Islam, to differentiate themselves from the faith of Islam and Mohammed. The God of Islam and the God of Israel will never dine at the same table. The Lord Jesus Christ of the New Testament is not the “Isa” of the Qu’ran. Some one please tell this to Rick Warren!

Dont miss the full video details here:
See the News Conference Event held to expose Ahmed Bedier at the link below:

God help America!
(228) 343-6191

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Hillary Clinton Praises the Largest Muslim Country in the World as a Shining Example

This last week we saw the Obama Administration continue its official support of the concept that Islam is good for the world and America. Hillary Clinton’s visit to Indonesia so early in the days of the Obama administration was no accident, according to her words. President Obama lived there as a child and knows, according to his reports, how well the Christians and Muslims of Indonesia live together in peace. Hillary declares Indonesia as a "shining example" of how well democracy can work in a Muslim country. She states that the United States of America wants to reach out to world and to listen to them. She said that America wants to listen to the Muslim world.

If you believe this is the direction the USA should take in its foreign policy, perhaps you are receiving the kind of financial support for your foundation from Saudi Arabia, as the Bill Clinton foundation is receiving. But for the rest of us this is a frightening turn of direction for America. Indonesian Christians are severely persecuted by Muslims. In Indonesia, young teenage. Christian girls, were attacked and behead by Muslims. Christians are persecuted and killed there, Christian Churches are burned and the American public does not know this. It is not reported in our media and the government of America does little to help the Christians there. These are the facts. You can research this yourself online. Go to Michelle Malkins’ web site for more info on this:

Now see how Obama promotes his agenda to distort America’s impression of Islam. In a recent speech, notice they come almost daily now, he compares the New Testament (Christian), the Torah (of the Old Testament) Jewish, and a Hadith of Mohammed Prophet of Islam. He essential stated that they all teach the same thing which is the Golden Rule (Do onto others as you would have them do unto you.) Sorry, Obama, according to Usama Dakdok, the Hadith Obama quoted does not apply to any other than brothers in the Muslim faith. The phrase, "...wish for your brother what you wish for yourself..." applies only to another Muslim, according to the Muslim scholars.

But this is just the latest example of the distortions coming from our new President. His selection of Rick Warren to give the opening prayer at the Inauguration was a brilliant move of deception. Most Christians were completely unaware of the Muslim overtones of this prayer. Warren quoted a frequently used phrase from Islam "the compassionate and merciful," referring to God. Then outrageously Warren called Jesus Christ "Isa." This is the name Mohammed used for a prophet in the Qu’ran who Muslims claim is Jesus Christ, but who was not the Son of God and who did not die on the Cross for the sins of mankind. "Isa" was not crucified and he was not raised from the dead, according to the Qu’ran and so my dear Christian Brothers and Sisters, he is not Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.

The following day, we heard in our National Cathedral, Reverend Sharon E. Watkins, declare that "Muslim Scholars" are calling all of us to come together in a peaceful dialogue of the unity of our faiths. This will never be acceptable to true believers in Jesus Christ. This should never be acceptable to those who believe in the God of Israel. The God of Islam is not the same God. Please do not be deceived.

In the end times, Jesus Christ warned that many would come in His name, and deceive many. Please do not be deceived. You will not get the truth from the media, you will not get the truth from your president and his administration. Jesus also said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father, but by me." Jesus Christ was either telling the truth or he was a liar. There is no place for him to be the Truth and the Way and a liar. He cannot be a liar and be the Truth and the Way.

"Chose this day whom you will serve." We, the Christians of America. are the hope of the Christian believers and the Jewish brethren of the world. You must get informed. You must know the only true Word of God, the Bible. Pray for wisdom and the compassion you need to reach out to the lost with the truth. And pray for super natural power to love your enemies, even the Muslim, who will hate and persecute you when according to the Qu’ran, "they have the upper hand."
God bless you and keep you in His peace!

Again, I welcome you comments and input. New contact phone #228-343-6191. I am available to speak to your church or group and welcome your prayer always.

Also see Usama Dakdok's web site for imprtant info on Islam:

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Prophecy for End Times in America

Understanding the Book of Revelation
(Taken from my book and upcoming publications)

The Important 4's:

Four Seals: The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse

These show how the Antichrist and the influence of the antichrist spirit rises to power. Ultimately to dominate the entire world through the Beast (a man) and the False Prophet (a man). Horses are symbols of War. Here they each represent the war of the Antichrist against Jesus Christ to take control of the earth in the Last Days.

For Today we examine the First Seal
1. The First Seal. The white horse. He that sits on this horse is given a bow (weapon) and a crown indicating he wins a contest(or election?). He goes forth conquering and to conquer. (This is Islam. The Qu’ran teaches that Muslims (Islam) must use any and all means to take over the entire world for Allah, through war and killing and through elections and invasions of other countries and through deceit.) As you see, the first rider is grabbing for power, using weapons and aggression to gain more. White horses are reserved for those in powerful positions and with great authority or wealth, princes, kings, captains of military etc. This Seal is opened by Jesus Christ.

Then the "First Beast of Heaven" which is a Lion, introduces this Seal. The Lion is a symbol of Kingship, Law and Justice and the Law of God itself. The rider on the white horse is coming against the Lion and trying to overthrow him. Who is the Lion? The Lion of the tribe of Judah who is Jesus Christ. Who are the keepers and guardians of God’s Law? Israel and the Church. The Law came through Moses. Israel and the Church are the keepers of the Law of God given to Moses. The rider on the white horse is standing against Christians and Jews, by implication the USA and Israel which stand as the nations which symboliclally represent the faiths of the Holy Bible.

Islam and Muslims are determined to replace the Laws of nations with Shariah Law, Islamic Law. They are now doing this even in Britain. They are asking for Shariah Law in communities in the USA. Islam intends to overthrow the Judeo-Christian Laws of our nation and replace them with the Shariah Law. They are attempting to do the same in every nation in which they live.

Daniel 8, tells us that the “Little Horn” will think to change times (Islamic Calendar and their holy days) and laws (Shariah Law). Only Islam is trying to do this world wide right now today. This has never occurred before in America history.

Those who believe in Islam were responsible for September 11, 2001, not Mormons or Jehovah’s Witnesses or Satanists or Wiccans or Buddhists or Hindus, or any other cult or religion. Those who believe in Islam are also responsible for attacks in Indonesia, London, France, Germany, Beslan, Israel, Sudan, Nigeria, Egypt, Kenya, Chad, Somalia, India, Pakistan, Sweden, Denmark, etc., etc., etc.

It is essential to examine Islam and what it is doing around the world in order to understand how this part of the prophecy is being fulfilled right now.

We will cover more next time. Look for updates on this topic and other discussion on current events related to Bible Prophecy being fulfilled, at least weekly. I will also add comments from Usama Dakdok on Islam.

New contact info: Phone: (228) 343-6191

Be sure to visit my friend, Usama Dakdok's web site:
God bless!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Do Christians need to know about the Antichrist?

Sometimes I'm asked, Why do you talk so much about the Antichrist? Maybe you should be more positive?

I believe that understanding the nature of the antichrist spirit is essential for all Christians living in this time.

Let's use this example: You have a sickness, like cancer. But the doctor only tells you how wonderful you're going to feel one day. He says “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.” Then you start chemo therapy. This makes you feel worse than ever. Shouldn’t the doctor explain this to you ahead of time?

Well, this world is sick, the disease is evil. The Lord tells us about it and warns about the treatment. Since Jesus ascended to Heaven spiritual evil has taken form as the spirit of antichrist. The Apostle John said it was in present in his time. I John 4:1-3, tells us how to know the spirit of antichrist. Every spirit that denies Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is an antichrist spirit.

But many Christians only think of the Antichrist as a character like "Nicoli" from “Left Behind.” Revelation 13 tells us, “and it was given to him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them.” It’s the only time the Bible speaks of the Saints being overcome. The spirit of antichrist overcame the Apostles themselves! Antichrist is the spirit of persecution against the Church.

There are brothers and sisters in the Lord all over the world being persecuted and killed because of this evil spirit. Revelation explains it as a spirit of deception coming from Satan, himself, designed to destroy Christians and Jews.

Satan is a deceiver, a liar, and so is the spirit of antichrist. It’s a manifestation of evil, created to attack the Believers in Jesus Christ. We must understand how it operates today. The Bible tells us not to be ignorant of Satan’s devices.

The Book of Revelation says that one day an Antichrist will rise up as a Great Leader and deceive the whole world. The Prophet Daniel warned about this spirit of deception in the “last days.” In Matt 24: 4, Jesus said when asked about his return, “Take heed that no man deceive you.”

Jesus will return in a day of great deception. We must know the Word of God. We must have discernment. The Bible says we have a powerful spirtual enemy, the spirit of antichrist. It leads the vulnerable to go into error. It draws men to stand against Jesus Christ and his followers.

While it is true that there are many "antichrist" religions. The religion of Islam is especially disturbing. The Book of Revelation describes the power of the Antichrist in the last days to have Christians and Jews beheaded. The religion of Islam denies that Jesus is the Christ, God come in the flesh (antichrist). The holy book of Islam, the Qur'an, is the only widely reguarded religious document that teaches to behead unbelievers (those who reject Islam).

Is anyone out there worried about the rising popularity of Islam in America. Is anyone else offended when Islam and Muslims(followers of Islam) are declared by our leaders and the media as peaceful. Do you think it is okay to call them brothers in faith?

Do not be deceived! Islam teaches that Jesus was only a prophet. He was not crucified. According to Islam and Muslims, Jesus Christ cannot forgive your sin. You must become Muslim or you are worthy of death (infidels).

The antichrist spirit grows stronger each day in America. And so many Americans are lost in sin. So many Christians are silent.

Jesus commands us to preach the Gospel. Jesus commands us to love our neighbors and even our enemies. We must love enough to tell the truth and lift up Jesus Christ for all men to see His Salvation.

Contact me at:

See my web site:

Learn about the truth about Islam and how to reach Muslims for Jesus Christ at :

Keep praying, keep preaching!
Our King is coming!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Now the Post Election Issues

Homosexuals take to the streets to protest passage of Prop 8 which establishes for California that marriage is to be limited to one man and one woman. This is the Christian, Biblical view of marriage. The protests included passionate pleas from various Hollywood celebrities to support and understand the needs of the gay community to have the same “right” to marry as all other Americans.

Californians overwhelmingly voted for Barack Obama, who says he will not support the Defense of Marriage Act which also defines marriage as between one man and one woman. But even the liberal voters in California turned out to say that you cannot change the basic meaning of the institution of marriage to make homosexuals feel good.

So the same homosexuals took out their hurt feelings on the Church community, protesting and harassing the members of the Mormon Church. They began protests against Christian Churches in the Black Community and hatefully spit on an elderly Christian woman as they stomped on a cross she carried there and then they kicked it into the gutter. Many other attacks against individual Christians have been reported as the protests have begun to spread across the country. Who is the perceived enemy of the “gay rights” movement? The Christian Church.

Get ready Church for persecution by those who call good evil and evil good. The day is here. In David Wilkerson’s book of the early ‘70s titled, The Vision, he wrote that he saw “gangs of homosexuals” rioting in the streets of America. When I read this in 1972, I could not imagine how such a thing could ever happen.

Now in 2008, as the nation awaits the coming “Change” promised by the Obama campaign, I witness the spiritual change that has already taken place in the soul of America, an America that has lost her way. She is proud of her compassion and progressive morality.

In Isaiah 47:8-11, we read to the virgin daughter of Babylon: “…thou art given to pleasures, that dwell carelessly, that sayest in thine heart, I am, and none else beside me; I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children: But these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children and widowhood: they shall come upon thee….For thou hast trusted in thy wickedness; thou hast said, None seeth me. Thy wisdom and thy knowledge, it hath perverted thee; and thou hast said in thine heart, I am, and none else beside me. Therefore shall evil come upon thee; thou shalt not know from whence it riseth; and mischief shall fall upon thee; thou shalt not be able to put it off: and desolation shall come upon thee suddenly, which thou shalt not know.”

The words of the Prophet John to Mystery Babylon in Revelation 18:7-8, “…she says in her heart, I sit a queen and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God which judgeth her.”

Then fires began to burn in California. One after another financial systems go bankrupt in America. The great industries in America are begging for financial assistance and great cities of America teeter on the brink of bankruptcy.

President George Bush meets with leaders from 20 nations from around the world to discuss how we can stop the failing of financial markets in America and now around the world. We are on the verge of world wide economic controls being instituted to stop the crisis. Rev 6:5-6, describes the Third Horseman of the Apocalypse, the rider on a black horse carrying a pair of balances in his hand. This is the coming of the antichrist through economic controls. (I’ll be writing more about this and the other horseman later.)

President elect Barack Hussein Obama proclaimed his intention to cut spending by reducing our military strength, by cutting weapons programs and by taking our troops out of Iraq. The enemies of our nation are building up their weapons as they spew their anger and hatred of America and Israel. Rev 6:3-4, read of the Second Horseman of the Apocalypse – the coming of the antichrist through war. Yet America remains proud of her wickedness, her fornication (unfaithfulness to God).

Sadly America has been unfairly criticized for years over one thing or another that displeased our enemies and even our allies at times throughout history. But we are not a great nation because everyone around the world agreed with us, or liked our policies. We have been a great nation because at our heart was belief in a mighty and just God whom we sought for guidance to do what was right and mercy when we were mistaken and wrong.

Now we see the America turning instead to the opinions of men, to the things that men think are good and right in their own eyes. Signs on public buses in Washington, DC, sport a Christmas themed slogan, “Why believe in a god? Just be good for goodness sake.” But Proverbs 16:25, tell us, “There is a way which seems right onto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”

Is America choosing death? She has chosen death for the unborn. Has she chosen death for her Christian foundation? She seems to be choosing instead the wisdom of men and soothing words of comfort from the prophets that preach a lie. Jeremiah 14:13-15.

For those faithful Christians in America who are still praying and repenting and pleading with God for his mercy, I remind you of the words of the prophet Jeremiah in Chapter 51:9, “We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed:...”

Keep praying, keep preaching! Our King is coming!

Contact me with you questions or comments. Also listen to "Today in Bible Prophecy with Kristie Johnson" on your AFR stations on the Gulf Coast, or online at: WAOY 91.7fm in Gulfport, MS
Contact me for presentations at:

(228) 343-1167 or

Also see to contact
Usama Dakdok for info and presentations on the truth about Islam and how to reach Muslims for Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


What Does the Election of Barack Hussein Obama Really Say About America?

The election is over and I have been praying because I believe the judgement of our nation will soon begin. Those who call Jesus Christ Saviour and Lord must prepare to see the beginning of the coming rule of the Antichrist. This is clear because the spirit of antichrist won out over the Spirit of Truth in this election. Many Christians voted for Obama because they believed he would be good for our nation. How tragic!

A man who indicated his support for abortion, gay rights and the socialist doctrines of government controls and the reduction of personal freedoms and responsibilities is now our President. A man who developed his views and the philosophies in the company of Terrorist Bill Ayers, Rashid Kalidi, Rev Jeremiah Wright, whose Harvard education was provided courtesy of Khalid Al Monsour (a Muslim preacher of torture of White People as God's will) and who is praised by Louis Farahkan of the Nation of Islam, the Black Panthers, Momar Gadaffi, and the Terrorist Groups Hamas and Hesbollah, will soon take over in the most powerful elected office on earth, as the USA President.

Many are rejoicing! But Jesus Christ and the slaughtered unborn are mourning! God's judgement on our nation will begin swiftly. Though many will sadly be deceived into thinking that we are entering a new enlightened age. But God is not mocked. We will reap a harvest of misery unless we repent.

The scriptures I have studied for over 35 years would indicate that the nation will not repent. But please my Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, we must repent. We must repent of our indifference and our lack of commitment to Christ. We must repent for not knowing the Word of God. We must repent for our failure to preach the Gospel to every creature. We must repent for not loving our neighbors enough to talk to them about Jesus Christ and his death for our sins and theirs.

We already hear the sounds of judgement as the new Obama adminstration sets their agenda, to remove restrictions on abortions funded by the USA overseas. They will open the door of the White House to hear the concerns of the gay and transgendered communities. Proposed changes in foreign policy will bring the leaders of Muslim nations to the US policy table with influence they have never had before. And as Iran plans the destruction of Israel, Obama's team talks of bringing the Iranian Military into Iraq to help restore the country to peace. If we leave Israel without support, the resulting war will fail on us.

See Ezekiel 38 and 39 where war comes against Israel from Russsia and Persia, which is IRAN. They will be joined by other Muslim nations. Will reducing our support for Israel under Obama provoke this war by emboldening Israel's enemies? I pray not. But I wrote about his happening in my book, Mystery Babylon, the Great Defender of Israel, A Search for America in Bible Prophecy. Ezekiel's prophecy describes the destruction falling on "those that dwell carelessly in the isles." Over 30 years ago, the Lord impressed on me that this would the the USA when she turned her back on God, "dwelling carelessly " (without fear of) God. Now it is on the verge of unfolding, I have prayed I am wrong. But God's Word warns us to stand as allies of Israel or be judged with her enemies. God help us!

Did American Christians sell out our nation because they fear war? Or because they can't be Christians without financial security? As my brother said to me, "All anyone needed to know is the Ten Commandments and they would know they could not have voted for Obama. Thou shalt do no murder (abortion). Thou shalt not covet anything that is thy neighbors (spread the wealth). Thou shalt have no other God before me ("We're no longer a Christian nation..."). Anyone out there get it?

Let me here from you. Let me know Christians are out there praying and seeking the face of the Lord.

Email: Contact me if I can help by providing info or present to your church or group on End Times in America.

See my web site:

See MySpace with videos:

Also see for info about the ministry of Usama Dakdok as he teaches Christians about the dangers of Islam and how to minister to Muslims.

God save America and Israel!
May the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified in your life!
Kristie Johnson

Saturday, November 1, 2008



A choice between McCain and Obama is not a choice between two is the choice between evil and good. It is between what God can bless and what God must judge!

You may not like John McCain because he isn't all you want for a President, but he is a man of courage and he loves this country. God chose a wonderful, courageous Christian woman, Sarah Palin, to run with him to show commitment to the unborn and to the Judeo-Christian values we treasure in America.

Barack Hussein Obama, is a man born of Muslim decent with a family in Indonesia who is Muslim, a family in Kenya who is Muslim, with a brother, Roy Obama, who is a Jihadist Muslim in Kenya. He follows a man, Odinga, who is Obama’s cousin. After Odinga lost in an election in Kenya hundred’s of Christians were murdered by his followers and hundreds of Christian Churches in Kenya were burned. Obama went to Kenya to support Odinga during his campaign, AND CONTINUED TO SUPPORT HIM AS ODINGA DISPUTED THE ELECTION RESULTS CLAIMING VOTER FRAUD, and Odinga’s followers went on a
Google "Obama and Odinga in Kenya" and find out how Barack Obama supported this evil man:
See Video of Obama in Kenya campaigning for Odinga (a Muslim Jihadist):

Islam (the religion of Muslims) is an evil religion that teaches in the Quran 5:72-73, that Christians are infidels! Jews are Infidels! The Quran 4:47, "So when you meet the infidels wherever you find them, chop of their heads until you have made a great slaughter among them." Does this sound familiar to you who have read the book of Revelation? Wake up Americans!

Barack Hussein Obama tells you he is a committed Christian, and yet he believes in abortion. He has promised Planned Parenthood to immediately sign legislation the FOCA (Freedom of Choice Act) that will end all restrictions on abortion!
See the video on Youtube:

And he will increase federal money to pay for this. That's your tax dollars used to murder the unborn. The destruction of innocent life and the support of this evil will bring God's judgement on this nation swiftly! Read Exekiel 16 to see what God thinks of this evil. Jerusalem was judged for this! Can America escape?

I could tell you much more but this should be enough to make the point that there is no comparison in God's eyes. Whatever you dislike about McCain, nothing he has done cannot be forgiven by God! He chose a Christian to run with him. The media has attacked her so greatly because she is a Christian!

If this country elects Barack Hussein Obama, all the Muslim nations of the world that hate American and hate Israel will cheer "Allah Akbar!" They will believe that America has fallen to Muhammad and to Islam and they will rejoice at the fall of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. They teach that Jesus was only a prophet and that he did not die for your sins, and that to worship him as Lord is idolatry! They say, "Israel should be wiped off the map!"

Obama will be seen as a "man of peace." But his peace plan to give more influence in our government to Islamic Nations such as Iran will leave Israel vulnerable to attack and will invite conspiracy and aggression against her! America must stand with Israel or we will incur the judgement of God!

So now before you vote for anyone other than John McCain please consider this: There are more Democrats than Republicans. So let's see what that means in simple terms.
For example suppose for every 100 voting Democrats, there are 96 voting Republicans.
Now we can guess that 96 of the 100 Democrats will vote for their
Candidate, Barack Hussein Obama. Maybe 4 of those Democrats will vote for McCain.
So that would mean:
96 Dems for Obama
4 Dems for McCain

Now if all 96 Republicans vote for McCain that would mean:
96 Reps for McCain + 4Dems = 100

96 Dems for Obama = 96
John McCain will win!

BUT If the Republicans or Conservatives (Christians) split their votes amoung various Conservative candidates, there is no chance for any Conservative to win!

Barack Hussein Obama, a man who thinks Islam is as good as Christianity and that his Muslim acquaintances (Rashid Khalidi and Khalid Al Monsour) and his terrorist neighbors (Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ayers) are "good people" would become our President. Obama spent twenty years honoring Rev Jeremiah ("God D____ America") Wright as a great mentor and teacher. Do you want this man to be your leader?

Abortion will increase! Your children in school will learn that being gay is normal and good. Marriage can be for any two people who are sexually intimate whether man to man or woman to woman. It will be taught that it is the same as Holy Marriage ordained by God for man and woman only! For this God will judge our nation! We will lose our freedom.

The Lord has allowed us to see enough from Obama's own mouth to show you what is in his heart toward Jesus Christ!

If you don't vote, or you vote for someone other than McCain, you will help give our country to Barack Hussein Obama because John McCain is the only candidate who has a chance to beat Obama.

Let me ask again what has John McCain done to fit the role of an antichrist? Nothing. What has Obama done? What does he say he will do? Please ask God, on your knees, to help you see the truth before it is too late! "Choose this day whom you will serve."

I beg you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, do not help give our nation over to the spirit of Antichrist!
God bless America and keep us faithful to Him!
Kristie Johnson, End Times In America
and see important videos at MySpace: - *End Times In America* - 57 - Female - -
Also see : The Straight Way of Grace @
Videos on Youtube under videos search for "usamaway"
For copies of the DVD of "Revealing the Truth About Barack Hussein Obama" or for other info Please contact me @ 228-343-1167 or 229-343-6191 or