Saturday, November 1, 2008



A choice between McCain and Obama is not a choice between two is the choice between evil and good. It is between what God can bless and what God must judge!

You may not like John McCain because he isn't all you want for a President, but he is a man of courage and he loves this country. God chose a wonderful, courageous Christian woman, Sarah Palin, to run with him to show commitment to the unborn and to the Judeo-Christian values we treasure in America.

Barack Hussein Obama, is a man born of Muslim decent with a family in Indonesia who is Muslim, a family in Kenya who is Muslim, with a brother, Roy Obama, who is a Jihadist Muslim in Kenya. He follows a man, Odinga, who is Obama’s cousin. After Odinga lost in an election in Kenya hundred’s of Christians were murdered by his followers and hundreds of Christian Churches in Kenya were burned. Obama went to Kenya to support Odinga during his campaign, AND CONTINUED TO SUPPORT HIM AS ODINGA DISPUTED THE ELECTION RESULTS CLAIMING VOTER FRAUD, and Odinga’s followers went on a
Google "Obama and Odinga in Kenya" and find out how Barack Obama supported this evil man:
See Video of Obama in Kenya campaigning for Odinga (a Muslim Jihadist):

Islam (the religion of Muslims) is an evil religion that teaches in the Quran 5:72-73, that Christians are infidels! Jews are Infidels! The Quran 4:47, "So when you meet the infidels wherever you find them, chop of their heads until you have made a great slaughter among them." Does this sound familiar to you who have read the book of Revelation? Wake up Americans!

Barack Hussein Obama tells you he is a committed Christian, and yet he believes in abortion. He has promised Planned Parenthood to immediately sign legislation the FOCA (Freedom of Choice Act) that will end all restrictions on abortion!
See the video on Youtube:

And he will increase federal money to pay for this. That's your tax dollars used to murder the unborn. The destruction of innocent life and the support of this evil will bring God's judgement on this nation swiftly! Read Exekiel 16 to see what God thinks of this evil. Jerusalem was judged for this! Can America escape?

I could tell you much more but this should be enough to make the point that there is no comparison in God's eyes. Whatever you dislike about McCain, nothing he has done cannot be forgiven by God! He chose a Christian to run with him. The media has attacked her so greatly because she is a Christian!

If this country elects Barack Hussein Obama, all the Muslim nations of the world that hate American and hate Israel will cheer "Allah Akbar!" They will believe that America has fallen to Muhammad and to Islam and they will rejoice at the fall of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. They teach that Jesus was only a prophet and that he did not die for your sins, and that to worship him as Lord is idolatry! They say, "Israel should be wiped off the map!"

Obama will be seen as a "man of peace." But his peace plan to give more influence in our government to Islamic Nations such as Iran will leave Israel vulnerable to attack and will invite conspiracy and aggression against her! America must stand with Israel or we will incur the judgement of God!

So now before you vote for anyone other than John McCain please consider this: There are more Democrats than Republicans. So let's see what that means in simple terms.
For example suppose for every 100 voting Democrats, there are 96 voting Republicans.
Now we can guess that 96 of the 100 Democrats will vote for their
Candidate, Barack Hussein Obama. Maybe 4 of those Democrats will vote for McCain.
So that would mean:
96 Dems for Obama
4 Dems for McCain

Now if all 96 Republicans vote for McCain that would mean:
96 Reps for McCain + 4Dems = 100

96 Dems for Obama = 96
John McCain will win!

BUT If the Republicans or Conservatives (Christians) split their votes amoung various Conservative candidates, there is no chance for any Conservative to win!

Barack Hussein Obama, a man who thinks Islam is as good as Christianity and that his Muslim acquaintances (Rashid Khalidi and Khalid Al Monsour) and his terrorist neighbors (Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ayers) are "good people" would become our President. Obama spent twenty years honoring Rev Jeremiah ("God D____ America") Wright as a great mentor and teacher. Do you want this man to be your leader?

Abortion will increase! Your children in school will learn that being gay is normal and good. Marriage can be for any two people who are sexually intimate whether man to man or woman to woman. It will be taught that it is the same as Holy Marriage ordained by God for man and woman only! For this God will judge our nation! We will lose our freedom.

The Lord has allowed us to see enough from Obama's own mouth to show you what is in his heart toward Jesus Christ!

If you don't vote, or you vote for someone other than McCain, you will help give our country to Barack Hussein Obama because John McCain is the only candidate who has a chance to beat Obama.

Let me ask again what has John McCain done to fit the role of an antichrist? Nothing. What has Obama done? What does he say he will do? Please ask God, on your knees, to help you see the truth before it is too late! "Choose this day whom you will serve."

I beg you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, do not help give our nation over to the spirit of Antichrist!
God bless America and keep us faithful to Him!
Kristie Johnson, End Times In America
and see important videos at MySpace: - *End Times In America* - 57 - Female - -
Also see : The Straight Way of Grace @
Videos on Youtube under videos search for "usamaway"
For copies of the DVD of "Revealing the Truth About Barack Hussein Obama" or for other info Please contact me @ 228-343-1167 or 229-343-6191 or

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