Saturday, October 20, 2007


Mass Schools Want to Protect 11-13 Year Olds from Their Harsh Parents by Providing Birth Control Pills to Those Girls Who Are Sexually Active!

The school will provide them with birth control pills and won't tell their parents!

What are they thinking? Are they thinking?

Are any of these "educators" and health care professionals aware that CHILDREN who willingly engage in sexually activity usually do so with someone who is older than they are. Maybe even an adult? This is child abuse, sexual assault and a crime!

When children engage in sexual activity with someone their own age it is often an indication that one of them has already been the victim of sexual abuse!

The school's response to this problem is give them birth control and don't tell the parents?

Those responsible for this OUTRAGE should not be given any opportunity to teach anyone's children anything! They are fools!

God help our nation if we have come to believe that the worst thing about children having sex is that they might get pregnant. But guess what? They give them condoms to protect them from disease also. So don't you worry mom and dad everything will be fine!

God help the poor children whose lives, their bodies, their souls, and their minds will be seared by the destruction of meaningless sexual encounters. Children who may end up in the hopelessness and constant emotional pain of being deceived into believing that life has no meaning or value apart from seeking for physical gratification.

Children who engage in sex, willingly or unwillingly, are at great risk to become depressed, to begin early use of alcohol, have drug abuse problems, self mutilization and even suicide attempts.

I know because I work with so many adults who are struggling because of childhood sexual experiences.

Parents who do not care about their children are in the minority. And I want to hear of one parent of a girl in Mass who said to any school, "If my 11 yr old daughter comes to you and says she is having a sexual relationship please don't bother calling me. Just give her some birth control pills and save me the trouble of knowing about it."

But that won't happen! Because any parent who is that neglectful should be hauled in by Social Services. So if a child's parent is that neglectful isn't that what the school should do? Instead they want to say "Oh my, you must have a bad parent who doesn't care about your welfare, so will give you some birth control to take care of you!"

This leaves the door wide open for a child to be manipulated by some adult into thinking that adults approve and expect children to be having sex. Haven't we just recently seen a rash of teachers seducing their students into sexual relationships! But wait a minute, I forgot that won't happen in this school! Because they are too careful to let any bad teacher get into their school! RIGHT! Except for the ones going along with the birth control plan!

This makes me so angry! Our school system is using this as an excuse to destroy parents' authority over their own children's lives.

God help us! Please pray for America!

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