Thursday, April 10, 2008


Dear Mr. Baggett,
I recently read your email, and want to thank you for taking time to read my blog (web page?) and to send me your thoughts. Feedback is always useful even if someone calls one "an idiot." In response I would simply say that my information has been examined and can be verified. My personal knowledge on the subject of Islam is probably considerably greater than the average American, although I am no expert. But I do have reliable sources of information on the subject of Islam. And Barack Obama's connection to Islam should be of concern to every Christian and Jew in America and the world.

In the religion of Islam, the Quran teaches killing of the Infidels. Unless you are a Muslim, this includes you.

Chapter 5:17: "17 Infidels indeed are those who said, "Surely Allah is the Christ, the son of Mary." Say, "So who could control anything against Allah if he desired to destroy the Christ, son of Mary, and his mother and all who are in the earth?" And to Allah the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and what is between them. He creates what he wills. And Allah has might over all things. "

Chapter 9:5, "5So when the forbidden months are passed, so kill the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them [as captives] and besiege them, and lay wait for them with every kind of ambush; so if they repent and perform the prayer, and give the legal alms, so leave their way free. Surely Allah is forgiving, merciful."

Chapter 8:12-14, "12When your lord revealed to the angels: "I am with you, so make firm those who believed. I will cast a terror into the hearts of the infidels. So chop over their necks and chop off every finger from them." 13This is because they have opposed Allah and his messenger, and whoever opposes Allah and his messenger. So surely Allah is severe, the punishment. 14This is it. So taste it, and that, to the infidel, the torment of the fire."

Hundreds of the verses of the Quran teach hate, war and killing. You doubt me because I'm an idiot? Research it yourself. But recognize the danger here for all Christians. Muslims are also taught in the Quran that deception is acceptable in furthering the religion of Islam.
Thank God that many Muslims do not know the teachings of the Quran. But it is their Holy Book.

Obama associates with Nation of Islam members, his church honors Louis Farrahkan. This should bother you.

Still if none of this troubles you, and you are a Christian, how can you accept Obama's position on Partial Birth Abortion? How can you accept his views on Gay Marriage? If none of these things bother you, then vote for Barack Obama with your eyes open. Don't call others liars. Just admit that you will vote for him because you like him and that you are not troubled by his political positions or his Muslim connections.

But, sir, I pray you will reconsider. I hope you will pray about this election. I pray you will research the subject of the threat of Islam and its goal of world domination and understand why this "idiot" is crying out like a voice in the wilderness, "Repent America, make straight the way, the Day of the Lord is at hand." Islam is the religion of the Antichrist. I pray that our Christian nation will not fall to its deception.

God bless you in the name of Jesus Christ, the only Savior and Lord to whom we bow, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Lord God of Israel, the soon coming Messiah and King!
Kristie Johnson (228) 343-1167

On Tue Apr 1 8:43 , m b sent this email:
Dear Madam,
YOU ARE AN IDIOT. I've repeated this because you might be too obtuse to understand it the first time you read it. Your stupidity does "true" Christianity a disservice in the eyes of God. We were struck by terrorists on Sept. 11th 2001. These people not only hit us because on the stands our government has taken, but also because of close-minded bigots like yourself. Its not bad enough to not like someone, but YOU have quoted people that have LIED about Barack Obama and his past.
If you do not like Obama, do not vote for him. But, DO NOT SPREAD THESE FALSE STATEMENT. Not only are you lying, but it makes you look really stupid.
Have a blessed day,

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